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A New Face on the Team

As you all may or may not have noticed, there's been a new face appearing on the Irregular Raps podcast show...

And for the ultra aware fans out there, you may have even noted some cool, new tweaks to the website!

A couple of weeks ago, viewers got the chance to not only chill virtually with Stridd and the prolific Victor Smith, but to read an awesome blog on branding for the first time on the site too.

But who is this new girl strutting in behind the cameras all of a sudden? Who's this new writer dropping literary genius with the stroke of a keyboard?

That would be me, Diamond. Nice to meet you :)!

I was recruited as a blog writer (and have leveled up to co-host😎) by Stridd for Irregular Raps. My job is to digest the podcasts and transform them into written masterpieces to deliver some knowledge to the Christian artist community.

Now, I have to admit. I don’t know a single thing about music. Keeping things simple is all that matters to me. Throw on a chill beat and I’m good (for the most part.)

Ultimately, being on the show is opening a floodgate of new wisdom for me. Wisdom that not only applies to the music industry, but applies to my own personal growth.

In fact, anyone that knows me understands I can be a tad bit ‘introverted’ at times...I honestly would have never imagined myself recording a podcast, let alone co-hosting one. Yet, as I’ve learned time and time again, when the Lord wants you to grow, He will water you until you begin to bloom.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Stridd has truly been helping me come out of my cozy, little shell. Now, I don’t want to hype him up too much, but I'm grateful to be on the show with the opportunity to meet so many talented people. Best of all I get to use my gifts from above in writing to flex for the Lord.

If you're interested in digging even deeper into my world (which is a blessed, hectic mess) watch this quick intro clip of me!

At the start of the clip, you best believe you heard the name right. Yes, I call myself Christmas Cat. Yes, it’s a weird name. The main point is that I strive to use any and all talents, passions, or goals I have (whether that be gaming or writing children’s stories) to glorify Jesus. And I am fully content with that.

Feel free to drift on over to my websites, Christmas Cat and Jesus and Heavenly Storybook, for some adorable, creative fun! Just make sure you return to Irregular Raps and tune in to our YouTube channel for the dopest podcasts in the game.

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